Sharing Intimacy With Role Play Fantasies

When sharing your fantasies, it reaches deep feelings of Intimacy.  Role playing with each other is a great way of feeling close to one another while releasing the chemical hormones, oxytocin and dopamine. Your imagination is limitless, exchange with each other sexual fantasies that you may both enjoy acting out.  Dress up for and with […]

Ann's Doggy DayCare Villa

In a perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog


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Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.


Views on the confused nature of existence and the ramblings of one who seeks to understand it.

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BDSM Erotica Fantasy Writer

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... about nothing in particular, because "Candid photography is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get". Photography by Lignum Draco, "The Wood Dragon" since 2013.

One Lifetime Blog

A Source of Motivation and Enlightenment for Your Journey

Romance Alive

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Kickin' It II

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"I never know what I think about something until I read what I've written on it." -- William Faulkner

Logical Quotes

Intimate/Romantic RelationshipTips for lovers/Best Friend